Discover the secrets of temples and scrolls at BYU Idaho.
Whenever a school or university conducts classes on archaeology one should never pass up the opportunity.
In Idaho for the 2019 Fall semester you can't beat this.
Bruce K. Satterfield, a religious education professor who has also studied archaeology and anthropology will be teaching a great class on temples and texts and its symbolism.
Cutting through thousand of years of discoveries Satterfield will unlock the mysteries texts with a strong emphasis of its textual symbolism's.
In every ancient culture there is a key that unlocks and gives understanding to the lifestyle and religious beliefs of that culture.
This will be a fascinating and jubilant discovery teaching one that is needed in every classroom. BYU Idaho should definitely take advantage of that.
Imagine that you are co-discoverers on ancient map quest to decipher a lost treasure. Instantly a million questions fill your mind. What is the language? What does it mean? When was it giving? In what context was it meant for? What are the mathematical values on the map?
Only a true understanding of the dialect and its customs can answer some if only a few of the questions. We must all endeavor to learn to decipher to gain a clearer picture of ancient temples and texts.