Adham Badawy’s painting “Girl with a Bird in a Boat” is part of "A New Legacy – Contemporary Art of Egypt” exhibit at Falls Church Arts that comprises 11 renowned Egyptian artists. All artwork is 40 x 60 centimeters, using oil or acrylic mediums on high-quality papyrus paper. The paper was made using the same methods as that of pharaonic times. July 13 through Aug. 11.
There is certainly a theme of merging past to present in a new kind of way nowadays and I love it. We admire that passionately. When it is done artistically it can truly be a wonder to gain all wonder.
Since I am not a local artist native to Falls Church Arts I can only draw my thoughts on the "Girl with a Bird in a Boat" and I see rest, beauty, and reflection. What do you see my little bird? He sees another world unto herself.
Her reflection is visible by the wind of her hair. It is accented contrary by the waves of her summer dress easing a neighboring bird to gain a closer glimpse of her reflection too.
Another bird on the boats' net also pikes their interest in the other world of her reflection.
Her reflection is a cooler blue and greenish world contrary to the fishing of a hot summer day. It is rest. It is an intimate and a relaxing time on the Nile river. It is a place she is inviting us to. Shall we go to her? Yes, I am a curious bird too.
This amazing new artwork on Egyptian papyrus envelopes us.
This will be a great joy for all, please visit it quickly.
A collaboration with Divine Art of Egypt, Cairo