Daisy Dunn gives us an inspiration when she pens, "The volcanic debris, as I learned while researching my new book, In the Shadow of Vesuvius: A Life of Pliny, covered the region so thickly that, in the words of Pliny the Younger, who wrote the sole surviving eyewitness account of the eruption: “Everything… changed, buried deep in ash as if in snow”. Like the neighbouring city of Pompeii, Herculaneum remained concealed beneath the compacted layers until the mid-18th Century, when excavators set to work on the site. Little did they know what marvels lurked 20 or more metres underfoot"
These are the treasures of from Villa dei Papiri, one of the cities plunged under hot volcanic ash in AD 79.
Vesuvius thought it sent the region, cities and inhabitants to is decimating grave. It thought wrong.
Thanks to many a fortunate dig the treasures of Herculaneum is brought to life in a grand museum in Los Angeles.
The treasures reveal the decadent lifestyle, visionary architecture and philosophic nature enthusiasts and artists. Their lifestyle reflected their beliefs.
It is an enchanting trove of timeless love of libraries and epic generals. This is a beautiful ancient house from the ashes.